
Apostiarch t1_jady9xw wrote

I mean. Ask the mother if she is aware of the issue. Be polite and receptive, she's probably overwhelmed. But get it on record that you have tried to resolve the issue. Inspect your renters agreement. See if there are any clauses she violates. If not, and she isn't receptive to helping, you may be SOL.


Apostiarch t1_iwhdtix wrote

I've lived in NH my whole life, save for when I went to college. Here are my thoughts:

Housing market is tough right now, COVID caused all the city folk to flee to rural nh, and we haven't been doing a lot of construction because we didn't anticipate the population boom.

Education is good. Our public education is well funded, and there are a lot of good colleges in New England, so on average NH residents have a higher level of education then much of the country.

Tech and engineering is up and coming in NH, biomedical is booming in southern NH with spill-over from the number that are in Massachusettes. Fidelity has a big branch in NH, so there is financial jobs as well.

It gets cold. It snows. Be prepared for that. We get plenty of rain in spring and fall, so be prepared for wet with a good set of boots.

The further north in the state you get, the more rural. The people up there like to be left alone, and tend to enjoy self-sufficiency. Southern NH is basically norther massachusettes at this point, much greater population density with the associated difference in culture. Overall, we are politically independent, often times rejecting the national political parties as too extreme.


Apostiarch t1_ir4uci7 wrote

General wildlife rules apply. If it's eating, don't sneak up on it. If it has babies, leave them alone. Don't try to pet any of them, they are not cute and fluffy.

Bears are out this time of year collecting food before hibernating. They may have yearlings with them.

Moose populations have been decimated by ticks. You probably won't see one.

We rarely have big cats. It's a big cat. If it does get grumpy, appear to be as big as possible and walk away.

Coyotes are like medium sized dogs. They are generally skittish. They avoid people. If you see one out in the daytime, it may be rabid. Don't pet the weird puppy.