
AppalachianWidow t1_ix085aq wrote

You basically told her you weren’t attracted to her and used her for sex. That alone was enough for her to run and never look back. But you also said it in front of a lot of people. Which I’m sure was totally humiliating for her. I just don’t see how she could ever come back to you and go on like nothing happened. Even if she forgives you, she will never be able to forget. I just don’t see her coming back.


AppalachianWidow t1_it82vgn wrote

I don’t understand why she just assumed you were a virgin. Unless you pushed the narrative in that direction it was really foolish of her to assume so. Also, you told her you had experience. She just didn’t want to hear it. She obviously doesn’t know what she wants either. On one hand she wants you to be a virgin. Yet on the other it sounds like she wants her first sexual partner to have experience. You really didn’t lie to her. You tried to tell her. She sounds like one of those people that doesn’t want to hear anything that could rock the boat so to speak. They would rather pretend everything was just how they want it. I think you may have dodged a bullet. If y’all do get back together she will probably never let you live it down. The “lie” or the fact you had sex with someone before her.