
OP t1_itv6bva wrote

It is how it should be. It’s not like I ran up my credit card traveling. I went into the ER because I had lost consciousness, was in the er for 6 hours and now I owe over $2500.

I don’t know how that doesn’t sound like health system is profit driven non-profit or not. Maybe a medical executive doesn’t need to make 300k a year.


OP t1_itswwnj wrote

This is why I came here for this. You have an excellent way of thinking.

Should I specifically email the hospital to confirm it is written off? I do know in some instances a health care system will pay a cost to collect - right? Like they give up with a guarantor after a year (still want the revenue) but basically pay a collection agency to then call for the money everyday?


OP t1_itst4lg wrote

I am not going to lie that sounds like one of the smartest processes I have ever heard. One issue - would you actually risk letting (let’s just say) a $2,500 bill report? You don’t think they’ll have any tactics for that?

Because logically that actually sounds incredibly slick. As people have mentioned though, if they own they debt how couldn’t they prove I owe it?