
AquaNines t1_jaewb98 wrote

Idk where you’re going with the foster parents part but in those professions when someone is playing outside the lines it’s usually seen as like a solo act by a person and not as a profession as a whole. HR as a whole profession is not really seen in the best light. I have a professional here who could answer a question I was curious about and well within my rights to ask, why wouldn’t I?


AquaNines t1_jaellz6 wrote

I don’t think they do but the last part you said there I think is what the meme is really referencing. I know most companies aren’t trying to be unkind towards their workers. That being said, it’s nothing unheard of.


AquaNines t1_jaek2vm wrote

The format it’s presented in may be juvenile but it’s sentiment isn’t. There’s a lot of people working right now who are told HR is your friend. This can be true. They can also be your demise. The demise part is what companies tend to sweep under the rug which is why HR gets a bad rap.


AquaNines t1_jadl8pp wrote

Do you ever feel regretful about being an HR professional given what the world tells us you do (help out employees in struggling situations) vs what you're actually supposed to do (help the business achieve it's goals)? I only ask because I see memes like this all the time