
marjorymackintosh t1_jae7veb wrote

Reply to comment by AquaNines in Adverse weather and work by SecretLadyMe

No, I don’t. At least where I work, employees are very clear that our job is to support the company by ensuring we are adhering to employment laws, our employee handbook, and by working to attract and retain talent by creating a good place to work. Luckily, adhering to employment laws in place to protect people and retaining talent are best achieved by creating a safe, pleasant workplace with good pay and benefits, so I don’t find that my job is often at odds with helping employees. The only part I have really hated is having to lay off employees in the past, through no fault of their own. But at the end of the day, I work for a business and those are business decisions. That’s why I tell people I know that they don’t owe a company their loyalty - it’s a business relationship, not a personal relationship, and that is true on both sides. Do what’s best for you and move on if you need or want to.