
t1_ixzwxn9 wrote

> this thread really brought the climate change deniers out of the woodwork lmao

Lol right? It’s kind of a trip. Arm chair scientists who have never baled hay, as they say.

I for one am 100% going to listen to the person on Reddit who uses the word “lemmings” in his climate dissertation. /s


t1_ixzw0rq wrote

Every inch of gained tillable land will be offset by the coastal saltwater intrusion due to rising sea levels. Nice try though. I would venture a hypothesis that humans do better during warming periods not because of arable land growth but more because of new technologies put forth to grow, adapt and overcome with the changing soil. More recently, it was the Industrial Revolution for god sakes. I don’t know enough about this topic to argue, but any conversation with a generational farmer I’ve ever had does not sound like whatever nonsense you just put forth.


t1_ixvkn9f wrote

I go skate the track at Lake Morey often and so do a lot of other locals I know. Plus it’s owned by locals who are going to have a rough time, on top of the already had rough time of the last two years, that should be enough for you to care. I’d arguably take a wealthy flatlander over your attitude anyday. Get off it.


t1_ixv0coc wrote

As a Vermonter who skates and pucks on lakes and ponds this is an extremely unnecessary hot take.

Not to mention the minimizing of the damage being done to our trade and agriculture sectors. Go back to bed and wake up on the better side of it bud.