
Avenger1324 t1_j6ff8a7 wrote

While of course it requires the game to be fun, a large part is down to the way it was released.

By effectively surprising everyone with an immediate release we had no real opportunity to build up an idea in our head of what it would be like as something to judge the game against. We didn't have months of build up, hype, drip fed content, or crucially anything shown that fails to make the final version.

Nice stunt for a one off game and worked well for them, but don't expect similar to happen for the next big AAA titles - Forza, Starfield, COD etc.


Avenger1324 t1_iycjm64 wrote

I went orb hunting in the original and collected them all, but for days after when I wasn't playing I would catch myself thinking I'd heard an orb nearby. At work, while shopping, just waiting to cross the road - the distinctive ringing of an orb!

I think both games are, or have been, given away free on the Xbox store, so you could always pick up a second-hand Xbox 360 to play them again.