BIGTIMElesbo t1_iyefm7w wrote

Just an aside regarding long covid. I had been experiencing the classic symptoms of long covid over the last two months. Extreme exhaustion, brain fog, loss of appetite, mismatched smells and fighting to stay hydrated. I receive IV ketamine treatments about once a quarter for depression and went last week. The following day all of my long symptoms started going away. Aside from a few smell related glitches, I’m a week out now and feel back to normal.


BIGTIMElesbo t1_iuefstw wrote

Thank you for mentioning Fly. The batteries on those make me quite nervous. The ebike sub has tons of diy folks who make their own batteries or buy cheap random ones online. I cannot express enough how nervous it makes me. Manufacturers like Ariel Rider and Juiced make quality bikes with a lower price point than Fly in some instances. There’s a argument to be made for these companies to invest advertising in this city. I’m a huge fan of the new electric citibikes as well. They’re a blast to ride in addition to being practical. Free the e-bikes, BUT safely!!