BattleForIthor t1_j12yxl0 wrote
Reply to comment by ITstaph in Is it possible to save Star Wars or is the franchise completely dead? by [deleted]
Rogue One has been the only good Disney Star Wars movie. Solo was ok.
The rest have been shit, backed by shit with a few interesting new things trying to salvage the whole work of shit. And Disneys way of making it ok is by screaming let the old die over and over.
BattleForIthor t1_j0asfjp wrote
Reply to comment by cld1984 in Cancer mRNA vaccine completes pivotal trial by ILikeTasks
CAR T-cell therapy is what it sounds like you are referring to… and frankly, it does seem as though that is the future.
BattleForIthor t1_j0as60b wrote
Reply to comment by Mattbl in Cancer mRNA vaccine completes pivotal trial by ILikeTasks
Well, it also opens avenues to new treatments for cancers we already have treatments for.
Some treatments won’t work or can’t be used on some patients. Having other treatment options gives patients, doctors, and families more tools in the war on cancer.
New treatments could also lead to improving survival rates. Improving the survival rate, even a few percentage points, could mean more holidays with loved ones who otherwise may not have been able to. That my friends is real victory!
BattleForIthor t1_j0artbv wrote
Reply to comment by MarkusRight in Cancer mRNA vaccine completes pivotal trial by ILikeTasks
That’s the speed at which medical research is progressing now. It’s not to be lamented, but rather celebrated. Each step forward is a step closer to a cure and that excites the fuck out of me.
BattleForIthor t1_j24mcd8 wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in Your wastewater can be used as renewable energy by EnergyTransitionNews
Wait…. 6.6 passenger miles of CO2…?
…that’s it?
How many passenger miles is it going to take to engineer, manufacture, ship, assemble, run, maintain and eventually tear down and recycle/destroy this failure of a system?