
Bent_Umbrella t1_j0j5pps wrote

>I just realized you are from NY, Danbury is like a shittier version of Poughkeepsie.

I don't agree with this at all. I have no problem walking around Danbury, while Poughkeepsie I don't like to drive through at night. Danbury is much nicer and has much less crime. POU does have that nice walkway and rail trail though.

I go for walks around Rogers Park late nights/ early mornings and have never had any issues.

The airport is general aviation so you'll hear a few planes on the weekends usually but nothing at night.


Bent_Umbrella t1_iu4t975 wrote

So you have a problem with the school not releasing information to you about the teacher but you won't give information either? You sound like the school that you're complaining about.

If it's that big of a problem for you talk to your guidance counselor about your options for switching classes, schools, or any other options that may be available to you.

Be aware that the world is full of people with criminal records, you can't avoid them all. Some you may never even know have criminal records.