
Bfiang t1_iyf77ir wrote

Going at 1:45am I think would hate it as well haha. Also 6 days a week is a lot! I only go 3 days a week because that’s what my schedule allows at the moment. Again, maybe something a little lighter on the schedule and something other than the gym would help. Walks/Hikes outside, a short run, or something


Bfiang t1_iyf6676 wrote

I use to feel that way at times. Sometimes exercise doesn’t always bring me to a better mood even to this day. But the majority of the time, and especially over time exercise has helped my physical health and mental health. Maybe you have to find a certain kind of exercise that works well for you! I love playing sports like basketball and I also like weight lifting. But I honestly don’t like running at the moment. Just a thought!


Bfiang t1_iy0gh3x wrote

I can’t recommend exercising enough. It helps you feel better physically and mentally, gives you a sense of control over yourself, and also gets your body and mind into a state of improvement. For me it also helps me with eating healthier, cause if I’m going to put time in the gym, why would I destroy that time by eating like crap?