
Botboy141 t1_jbhu1yh wrote

> I don’t know why it’s growing

Our society is more global than ever. "Community" no longer exists. People live how they want, regardless of their impact on others (what's best for me, what's best for my family).

It used to be what's best for me, my family, my community, my nation, humanity, the world. Less and less people have an interest in those last few and some people don't care about the first few either.

Can blame internet, capitalism, billionaires, GOP, dems, commies, doesn't matter. Until we're all forced into a position to put societal needs above our own, things will worsen, not improve. I fear by the time humanity is forced to do that, it'll already be too late (perhaps it is, but I'm hopeful human ingenuity can still surprise us).


Botboy141 t1_ixooyx6 wrote

I have never worked in the space, but have several departments/districts around me that are Fightfighter/Paramedics on all emergency response/dispatch.

Not that they don't have the same challenges as a result of what they deal with, but the compensation is significantly higher (to my limited knowledge) if you hold those additional qualifications.


Botboy141 t1_itcwm1f wrote

3 year old had it just before her 4th B-Day a few weeks ago. Wife noticed wheezing a day or two after a cough started. Took her to urgent care. Prescribed steroids for Bronchiolitis. Followed up with doc 7 days later and all clear.

We felt so lucky. Little girl was on oxygen for a week when she was first born, was dreading a potential return.