
Burwylf t1_je9lti4 wrote

I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so snarky because people won't take it seriously, but literally, we pay the justice system per criminal from police on down to prisons, and the system knows this, and makes sure they have as many repeat customers as possible.


Burwylf t1_je9k3l1 wrote

Ok, what do they need to better reintegrate into society? A home, a shower, a job... But wait, they'd just spend the money from the job on drugs, so we can't do that... And limiting employers ability to ask about criminal history would be soft on crime, and homes with showers would be a handout... I guess it's an impossible problem

The only solution is a for profit private prison system with a monetary incentive to maximize recidivism, it's the only way.

Also anyone that ever does a drug has to go there too


Burwylf t1_jd7l27c wrote

The expected behavior in the oncoming lane is to slow down (not stop), and use the breakdown lane/margin or whatever you want to call it to make room (in the case of a truck blocking half the lane)

In the case the truck is blocking the whole lane, it's typical too stop, wait for a clear shot, and then go, if oncoming cars appear they stop, the next car that would leave their lane stops, and the oncoming cars resume their right off way when clear...

Pretty sure it's an unwritten protocol, but that's how it would work smoothly and preserve right of way. You can't account for people breaking the protocol though, there's always that one guy... People have trouble when two lanes merge to one as well, you're supposed to create a space for a car between every car, and once you get to the merge spot it can be smooth like a zipper closing, but there's always that one guy that won't leave a space and stops traffic in the other lane.