
CIAHerpes OP t1_j88cf5j wrote

I believe it is because she is just a child so they do not drag children into suffering as they do adults. Instead those who run Naraka seem to want to show them the effects of evil karma and try to save them in other ways.

But as someone who killed her parents, she couldn't get into Heaven or anywhere, as killing your parents is an unforgivable sin necessitating rebirth in Naraka

The Buddha said there are 5 unforgivable sins that will always send you to Naraka in the end: killing your mother, killing your father, killing an Arhat (an enlightened monk), drawing blood from or injuring a Buddha, and splitting the community of sacred monks and lay followers, called the Sangha, apart. As a child, Zenaida committed two of the five unforgivable sins, so had grave impurities requiring thousands of years to recover, but since she was so young had mitigating circumstances

I figured this out from reading some of the Buddhist scriptures when i got back. Apparently Naraka is a real place from Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism


CIAHerpes t1_j27qr70 wrote

Um I think you mean options are not your friend. If you had put all that money into Chevron shares, you would still be down probably, but not like 99.99% down. And you would have a long term dividend stock that has 0% chance of bankruptcy that you could hold for decades without worrying