
CamelHairy t1_ja38i2a wrote

Your podiatrist probably told you to forget the sneakers and go to a leather shoe.

I recommend San Antonio Shoe Company out of San Antonio Texas. Their not cheep, around $250. But I was a research technician with equal time in cement floors as I was on carpet. My pair is now well over 8 years and I cannot kill them. Only secret I found is to keep them in cedar Shoe trees when not in use (keeps them from curling upwards). My son an Electrical engineer also wears the same.

They can also be resoled.

I wear their Aiden Oxford line


CamelHairy t1_j9uhy9x wrote

Speed Queen made in Wisconsin since 1908. Longest warranty, all metal internals (all metal gears in transmission), same components in their homeowner units as are found in their commercial units. Cost more than most, but will last over 25 years. One of the brands most found in laundrymats. Only competition is Maytag Commercial (not Maytag homeowner).

We have their front loader washer and dryer going on 10 years.

If shopping stay away from the big box stores and search out a local independant appliance dealer, preferably one who offers repairs. They will best be able to guide you to the pros and cons of each manufacturer as well as what is available in your price range.


CamelHairy t1_j9etu2o wrote

Yes,we have a queen size bed and have no problems. My wife is also a quilt maker, so she is always washimg something large. When purchased 10 years ago we had a family of 5 consisting of myself, my wife, my mother-in-law, a teen age son and a teen age daughter. We filled and ran that unit constantly.

Two things about Speed Queen I found out; 1. They measure their capacity different from the other brands so it looks low., 2. Their washers fill to the top, most, others only half fill.


CamelHairy t1_j9a2x2y wrote

Lets ask a better question, age and model of what is offered, treat it like a used car take the new cost and divide by half if within the 1st. 10 years.

I don don't listen to CR, I worked for the only company to sue and win against CR, only to loose in the Supreme court due to the 1st admendment. Also ever see that Yale always gives an opinion that matches the big box stores, but is 180 against every forum?


CamelHairy t1_j8j275o wrote

Maytag was great when they were Maytag. After Whirlpool purchased them in 2006 their quality dropped The only exception is their commercial line which goes head to head with Speed Queen. About the only 2 brands you will find in most laundromats.


CamelHairy t1_j8bso45 wrote

Partially true. Only 10% is still made in the US, the rest out of the country. I had to order mine, even with my choice of insulation and shipping it still came out less $$ than if I purchased the Honduran made available locally.

Used all USA Clothing.


CamelHairy t1_j7vmjqq wrote

Wallets are like handbags for the spouse, let him pick out his own unless he asks you. My wife is intelligent, good meaning, but has learned no belt, no wallet, no shoes, no tools. Just my 2 cents, but have been happily married for 40 years


CamelHairy t1_j7qyi3h wrote

My wife needed a new cooler, the normal Walmart ones can barely hold a takeout container with ice pack let alone anything else. I purchased the Rctic Everyday Soft cooler for $49. It holds 2 takeout containers, ice pak, ziplock bag cut up apple, 2 water containers and still have room for salt, pepper and utensils. Size is only 8 x 10 x 11 inches.

They have other sizes, use link in my original posting.


CamelHairy t1_j7qou5g wrote

Depends on what you mean by durable? Office durable or construction site durable. If the 1st. I just purchased an rctic for my wife. Lots of room.

If construction what are your other workmates using?


CamelHairy t1_j736cyu wrote

Look into buying a metal grain shovel. Mine is going on 30 years, and my sons on 10 years. Only repair I had to make this year was to grind the edge flat due to all the scrapping against asphalt.

Ace 45 in. Aluminum Scoop General Purpose Shovel Wood Handle

Item #70044| Mfr #PALY-12M

Just about ,every hardware store, nursery, Walmart, and Amazon has at least one. I belive mine was an Ames.