
Capital_Ad7979 t1_jchhct8 wrote

I’m confused, when I read the bill there’s also mention of legalization of lsd, shrooms, and mescaline. I’m all for living free but with how difficult it has been to even get close to cannabis legalization only (ie tackling actual Rec stores at a later date which seems to be the case) why are they trying to slip this in there?


Capital_Ad7979 t1_j3y0s98 wrote

This happened to me when I moved to a different state in the fall. If you have a mass tax connect account you can see if they ever tried to send it and if it was returned. I called and they cut me a new check but it was not easy getting a real person on the line, but once I did it was fixed in less than a minute


Capital_Ad7979 t1_j173abo wrote

To answer your question about being able to opt out, I’m fairly certain neither employees nor employers can opt out. It’s better than having nothing especially if you’re planning on having kids and need to take extended bonding leave while still getting paid a portion of your earnings


Capital_Ad7979 t1_j172dbo wrote

It’s all about your work location and if you’re being taxed for it. If you live in nh but physically work in mass and pay pfml taxes you are entitled to ma pfml. However if you live in nh and work for an ma company but you’re remote and your work location is classified as your home, you wouldn’t qualify