
Captainbostonfish420 t1_jcn9ehf wrote

There is no reason to downvote this comment. Mobile internet is very competitive price wise versus broadband. Comcast can bundle more services to make their product cheaper or more desirable than what municipal can provide. There is no way 50,000+ households care about net neutrality that much. Municipal broadband would be an enormous waste of money.


Captainbostonfish420 t1_ja69672 wrote

They will probably get gobbled up by a cell phone company. I don’t see the point of their service when you can get the same thing with more perks from T-Mobile or Verizon home internet.


Captainbostonfish420 t1_j9e6jhj wrote

Cambridge water is only crappy for machines with heating elements and spouts after really long periods of time. Shower head filters are useless (think about the size of the cartridge vs the volume of water going through). There is nothing in the water that would be bad for plants. It’s all in your head.