CardboardJ t1_iu0r53k wrote
Reply to comment by TangerineDream82 in Facebook Segments Ads by Race and Age Based on Photos | Ads with teenage girls are mostly directed at men over 55, while white people see fewer ads with Black faces, a new study finds. by chrisdh79
It's currently ranked against what makes Facebook the most money with a secondary ranking of what advertisers want to use to target a demographic. The algorithm is fine. The marketing creeps opting to use teen girls to advertise to 55 year old men should probably change and Facebook should probably have better moral standards as well.
It's like seeing parents that sold their teen daughter to a pimp and the pimp selling the girl to an old dirty man, then asking how we can change human reproduction to prevent this. It's the society that has accepted "Sex Sells" as a moral business practice that should be changed, but anyone that attempts to do so gets labeled a puritan and dismissed.
CardboardJ t1_itziqeg wrote
Reply to comment by Penis_Bees in Facebook Segments Ads by Race and Age Based on Photos | Ads with teenage girls are mostly directed at men over 55, while white people see fewer ads with Black faces, a new study finds. by chrisdh79
This is the sad downside to having an impartial algorithm that's ranked only on success rate.
CardboardJ t1_iqqp8bo wrote
Reply to comment by VitaminPb in The era of fast, cheap genome sequencing is here by Sariel007
I've heard this argument, but it still feels like you would be giving up the only real feasible cure for many cancers out of worry for police abuse.
CardboardJ t1_ivqn9rt wrote
Reply to comment by Chroderos in [OC] Tech Layoffs in 2022 so far, percentage of total workforce by PieChartPirate
Anecdotal evidence, but on LinkedIn senior dev jobs still seem to be posted for a week with only 4-5 applicants, while project/product/engineering manager positions seem to get 50 in the first hour.