
Chamber53 t1_jefmruu wrote

I personally could care less what a single critic has to say about a movie. But if I hop on Fandango and I see a large majority of critics praising a movie, then that has some substance. And exactly the same can be said when a large majority of general moviegoers are praising a movie.


Chamber53 t1_j6jzcbp wrote

This, it was literally a recycled story…RECYCLED from part 1 AND part 1 was already a recycled story!! Dances with wolves, Pocahontas, The Last Samurai. The only difference, instead of the outsider being one individual now the outsider is a family being ridiculed and then accepted into the tribe. 🤦‍♂️


Chamber53 t1_j6gk490 wrote

It wasn’t an entirely bad movie. I didn’t quite understand why the army cloned dude kept looking for this former leader. Initially they wanted him because if you cut the head of the snake, and all that jazz. But that was no longer the case, he was no longer the leader of the tribe. Silly.

Furthermore, the plot was recycled. The same ‘ol Dances with Wolves, Pocahontas, The Last samurai, etc story. Only this time, it’s a avatar family trying to join a different tribe and learning their ways 🤦‍♂️

As for you text in your post…odd. But reading some of you comments, seems like some folks worked you up.


Chamber53 t1_j0fnwtk wrote

“Fucking snowflakes” and proceeds to end it with “ok, rant over.”. A friend of a friend isn’t a friend. It’s a simple discussion regarding a subjective topic. Not sure why you’re bent out of shape about it.