Chaminade64 t1_jabfgj2 wrote
Why should 49 other States citizens pay for problems in our city? You’re the goddamn leadership, aren’t you? You play up your city street cred, you promise us the world every election cycle, you have the ear of our Governor & Mayor, you have been in control for decades s All I see is problems piling up, and getting worse. Why is that?
Chaminade64 t1_j2tlyb7 wrote
Reply to comment by the-mindful-pipe in Why I was wearing mum´s nightgown I do not remember but I do think I was a little cool back in 1986. by the-mindful-pipe
Jeez, you went from your Mom’s nightshirt to the cover boy for the Harris Tweed catalog. I did spy the nose ring however so the whimsical side lurks beneath the surface. Nice dogs too, always a good sign of character when a fellow enjoys a nice canine friend.
Chaminade64 t1_j2ta9fs wrote
Reply to Why I was wearing mum´s nightgown I do not remember but I do think I was a little cool back in 1986. by the-mindful-pipe
Come on pal, let’s see you now. Was this a phase or are you still kicking conformity to the curb?
Chaminade64 t1_iw477l5 wrote
Reply to Nick Offerman, AKA Ron Swanson from Parks And Recreation, in his late teens/ early 20s. by cordialPark608
I always suspected.
Chaminade64 t1_ivzdg2b wrote
The guy who was the crew chief most likely lives in that building and drives a big ass red pickup.
Chaminade64 t1_jcc35ki wrote
Reply to Study shows those released under NY's bail reform laws are less likely to get rearrested by mowotlarx
Well, let’s be honest. It’s getting harder to get arrested than it was even 6 months ago.