
Cheetahs_never_win t1_jd3oga1 wrote

A singular atom traversing the vacuum of space, belting out Bobby Vinton? No. Liquids, gases, and solids are functions of temperature and pressure, which are defined by proximity to other atoms.

If you have one molecule of every (non-reactive) gas possible sharing space in a teeny tiny pressure vessel, it could still be deemed a gas mixture if it doesn't sublimate or condense. We just don't have the kinematic equations to describe how that mixture works in a specific sense, just that it still acts like a gas in a general sense.

CO2 is still a gas entrained in soda, even if the H2O molecules separate each CO2 molecule out by a thousand miles. We say this because if we agitate all million square miles, the CO2 comes out and floats off with the rest of the gases.


Cheetahs_never_win t1_jb8bgv1 wrote

"If we continue eating full rations, we'll be out of food in 2 months and starve. If we supplement 50% we can survive to harvest and produce food and rations."

"Eating things that produce cow farts at present projections means we'll boil alive in 80 years. If we dial it back, we'll survive to 140 years and hopefully have a solution."

You said checks notes they said we're not allowed to eat anything.


Cheetahs_never_win t1_j99frb4 wrote

There are a lot of different things that can happen, based on material and lattice structures temperature, etc.

If it's elastically deformed and released, the stored energy snaps it back into place.

If you deform and hold it, the stored energy can cause the lattice structure to shift over time in a process called ratcheting in order to permanently deform. Increased temperature speeds up the process.

If you go past elasticity, then you can think of the material acting like ice flows moving around past one another, though on a macro scale, it tends to act like a really stiff taffy, depending on the ductile nature.

It can even change the lattice structure from one kind to another, giving it properties of the same material in those alternative lattice structures.


Cheetahs_never_win t1_j8jgch7 wrote

Temperature is only one facet of the total energy state and is simply insufficient on its own to get the job done. I know, we thought the same thing and burned the crap out of ourselves in the shower.

We can't alter the universe's laws for our convenience - we tried, doesn't work. :)

And from the universe's perspective, a temperature scale that's built off a particular kind of matter within a certain range that's convenient for weird ape-people on a specific planet on a specific star is no way to run an entire universe.


Cheetahs_never_win t1_j7fmnkj wrote

Well, gas has a hard time sitting still to "conduct" heat - convection and advection is inevitable.

And you have to be additionally precise in your setup.

More pressure means more gas matter or less gas volume, or somewhere in between.

But take it to its logical extremes: Almost 0 matter means a vacuum and not heat transfer from "conduction," and infinite pressure means infinite matter needs to be heated up, thus no "conduction."

But if convection is permitted, then generally higher pressure makes it easier to transfer heat between molecules


Cheetahs_never_win t1_j482s7v wrote

I remember my first credit card. I used it for like a $15 purchase. Once.

Then I tried to pay it, but being a little naive I typed in my routing number or account number incorrectly to pay it.

I checked the day after it should have gone through.

$35 charge because wrong account number.

$35 charge for being late.

I fixed it immediately, grumbling about that $15 purchase costing me almost $100, but accepting I was the dumbass who made the mistake.

THEN I received a nasty call from the credit card company demanding payment, to which I explained to them what happened and that I corrected the mistake and paid it off.

And then said screw it, and cut that thing up. They needed me more than I needed them.

Since then, I've had several credit cards, but they've never made a dime off me directly again.

Line of credit accounts, sure. Loans, sure.

But nope.


Cheetahs_never_win t1_j0jrxv8 wrote

One day while elbow deep in whatever analysis I was doing, I had a boss walk in and yell at me that I have ten minutes to finish a resume update that was requested for Wednesday (it was Monday).

I was so surprised that I started immediately trying to imagine what in the world I could slap onto my resume in 10 minutes, and my eyes went from wideeyed shock and immediately started darting.

Then he yelled at me for "rolling my eyes."

He had never heard of darting eye movement as a result of intense thought.

I... don't miss him.


Cheetahs_never_win t1_izp3zjd wrote

Let me dumb it down for you.

If you created a subreddit, and suddenly the government told you that you have to check everyone's IDs on it, because that becomes the TOS of reddit, then you end up fined or imprisoned for your subreddit you can't keep up with.

The platformer's rights are being infringed.

You don't have a first amendment right to access someone else's property. They have the right to share it with whom they want.

I know you're not too bright, so reread as often as you need.


Cheetahs_never_win t1_ixtmssv wrote

Let's take a different mixture. Sodium Chloride (NaCl) - salt - and water.

Fun thing about NaCl is that they're like a nuclear couple, but they like to flirt with other NaCl. They create intramolecular attraction, but don't really BOND to other NaCl molecules. So a salt crystal doesn't become Na2000Cl2000 - it's just NaCl - just stacked like legos, or magnets.

In swoops in water, and it readily dissolves those intramolecular bonds. But may or may not actually break down that Na Cl.

So we can boil back out the water and we just end up with crystalline bar magnets stuck together again.

Except... water CAN break down the Na and Cl with sufficient energy levels, so you end up with an ocean of H2O, Na, Cl, and NaCl, but the Na and Cl don't break down the H2O.

Boil H2O out, though, and it's reversed back to NaCl, and you wouldn't necessarily be any wiser.

Except you can send in more chemicals that will fetch either Na, or Cl, but not H2O and not NaCl. Usually when that happens, it creates a film that floats to the surface, turns to a gas, or settles to the bottom.

But there are any other number of properties you might test. E.G. how does it react to UV light? What color is it? Lasers? What's the density? Etc.


Cheetahs_never_win t1_iuegrp8 wrote

Imagine a sine wave to represent a photon. The sine wave is 2d. Now Imagine being able to rotate the sine wave around the neutral axis. To us, the light looks the same. To them, the light looks different.

Normal light is a bunch of these waves at different frequencies and adjusted forwards/backwards in a random fashion.

If you could adjust them such that they're all aligned, which we can do with certain materials that block light paths that come in at the "wrong" angle, but turn the intensity back up, you and I can't tell the difference between the before/after. They can.

And I guess we might not have the vocabulary to describe what they see, but there are some women who are tetrachromats who basically describe colors and patterns only fellow women tetrachromats can see.