
Chenko0160 t1_jd87icz wrote

Reply to comment by eyehunt2 in Hiking Trails near Exeter? by eyehunt2

It is used for mountain biking occasionally, but out of the 30+ times I’ve walked those trails (used to live right next to them), I’ve only run into a few people on bikes. Mostly people walking their dogs, and even that is few and far between.


Chenko0160 t1_j1um0jp wrote

So actually experienced this first hand last week when I fell while skiing. All of a sudden I had a alarm going off in my ear buds and when I looked at my watch it was counting down before it would call 911. I hit the slider to cancel it and all was good. Not sure how there’s so many false alarms from it.


Chenko0160 t1_j0i3jdj wrote

Surprised to see so many recommendations for loon. It’s almost always icy and windy. Gunstock is always a decent option due to being almost an hour closer south than any other mountain while still having some good runs. Great for a day trip.