Childofglass t1_j5j3koh wrote
Reply to LPT: A good financial habit to get into is treating money as hours of work. Ask yourself how many hours of work something would take if you buy it. The awareness of the amount of time you put into purchases helps reduce compulsive spending. by humvee911
This is also how I decide to buy tools/appliances. Will it save me time or money, and how many uses will it take to save me the money that it cost in either time or dollars.
Childofglass t1_jdrldvu wrote
Reply to comment by Fantastic_Beans in Research found after six years spent tracking health outcomes among nearly 925,000 Danish seniors, investigators determined that when a man between the ages of 65 and 69 loses his wife he is 70% more likely to die in the year that follows, when compared with his non-widowed peers by Wagamaga
Don’t forget pay bills!