
ChrisBegeman t1_izl8glw wrote

I have heard Pennsylvania's style of flag referred to as a seal on a sheet. While our flag is not literally our state seal in the middle of the flag, you probably have to have to google image of both to prove that it is not. While it is not a bad flag, the complexity makes it hard for the average person to make a image of the flag or even quite remember what all the elements of the flag are. So it isn't easy to just slap images of it or stylized images of it on things as a unifying image of our state. If you want flags that are good examples of this, see the Texas or Chicago flags. Luckily Pennsylvania has the PA Keystone as our easily reproduced and recognizable symbol.


ChrisBegeman t1_iy1psi9 wrote

Probably true. I work in the city out in the Bakery Square area, I don't live in the city. Oakland is the farthest west in Pittsburgh I like to get without a specific event, like a baseball game or show downtown. As someone that comes from out of town, I might over estimate the number of people who visit the Strip rather than are locals.


ChrisBegeman t1_iy0sw8t wrote

The Strip District is a regional tourist destination. I live out in Westmoreland County, so I don't go into the Strip often, but when I do, it seems like at least half the time I am going with friends or relatives, many of whom used to be from the Pittsburgh region. As a tourist draw, I could see a case for chain restaurants. They came for the shopping but want cheap and/or predicable food.