
CleverNomDePlume t1_iwk1ell wrote

The story I heard (USA public education), about rabbits in Australia, was that they aren't native, and are a big problem with native ecosystems. I heard that some British governor imported them, so that he and his cronies could have their jolly, gentilemanly hunts.


CleverNomDePlume t1_iwk0xh7 wrote

I agree with you. The risk of them getting loose and the issues that will follow are so large that whatever tax dollars they brought in from the business are wiped out. And that's keeping the issue of animal welfare to the side and just looking at a cold cost breakdown.


CleverNomDePlume t1_iwhzh9e wrote

Say goodbye to songbirds and any bird that nests in the area.

There are bans to weasels as pets, in many areas, because they are so destructive to non native environments. Even one getting loose can reign havoc. This is definitely enough to maintain a breeding popatuon. I hope that they are at least a native type to the area.

You'd think that a facility that had so many of them would need some security to make sure things like this wouldn't happen, since the consequences can be so severe environmentally.