
CoffeeFox t1_j9seco7 wrote

>Now from a climate standpoint- large amounts very tiny particles do have a measurable effect on global warming. If we're burning up a mass of aluminum on the same order as all of the meteorites that enter the atmosphere, then the effect is probably negligible, however.

That's a good point to add to the discussion. Micrometeorites are believed to enter the Earth's atmosphere at a rate of many tons per year. One study estimates roughly 10^6 kilograms yearly

So the Earth has already long had massive amounts of metallic elements entering the atmosphere and vaporizing.


CoffeeFox t1_j8vffz7 wrote

> You’re completely moving the goalposts on the argument at hand.

You seem to be used to practicing arguments in a mirror, and forgot there isn't one present here.

They stayed on-point about messaging of elected officials and overall government policy and you danced around looking for an inroad to make deceptive generalizations regarding private entities that was fairly well off-topic right from the beginning.

It isn't "moving the goalposts" to repeatedly inform you that you are unsuccessfully trying different approaches of arguing with things that nobody even said, and it's ironic in the extreme to attempt to start up a game of Calvinball and then use that argument. "You're not allowed to do what I keep doing!" is... well, bless your heart.


CoffeeFox t1_ixx9c0o wrote

Papaver somniferum seeds are sold at garden stores in the US, Canada, the UK, and as far as I am aware all of Europe.

Australia is unusually restrictive and paternal in their governance, generally. Adults cannot purchase video games that portray drug use without moralizing against it, for example, because it is impossible to be adult enough in Australia to make that kind of purchasing decision without permission from a surrogate parent.


CoffeeFox t1_iw1ty75 wrote

The people who own the biggest scam operations seem to know what authorities they need to bribe to ensure that they are left alone. In some cases, they might be one of the top contributors to a local economy and police are not going to fuck with companies that bring a sudden upswell of prosperity to their city, especially if they're taking bribes from them.

It seems as though someone has to fuck up and get the CBI (India's central law enforcement body, equivalent to the FBI) involved before they can reliably get their criminal enterprise stomped.

Between the bribes and simply bringing a sudden upswell of imported money to local economies, a lot of scam operations seemingly manage to get tacit immunity from their local law enforcement.