
CompleteNumpty t1_j9hn73i wrote

As a significant quantity of amputations (maybe even most) aren't a result of trauma, but due to things like diabetes or peripheral vascular disease, a lot of amputees will already be getting treated/monitored for heart disease, which will muddy the waters.

I tried to find a source for you, but I struggled to find anything other than a few studies confirming the increased risk in traumatic amputation patients.


CompleteNumpty t1_j9hl0av wrote

I was just going off what my old prosthetics lecturer told us, but the UK and USA definitely do. The exact action taken (preventative medication and exercise programmes vs routine monitoring of cardiac function) may differ within the countries due to different states, health boards etc.

To be honest I'd be amazed if any Western country didn't have some sort of policy to monitor or preventatively treat amputees, as the increased risk of heart disease is well-known.


CompleteNumpty t1_j9g9kb2 wrote

The calves actually work as secondary pumps for the cardiovascular system (specifically helping to return blood upwards towards the heart).

As such, the loss of one or more calves has a detrimental effect on your cardiovascular health, with many countries treating below knee amputees as if they have heart disease.


CompleteNumpty t1_j0eahhx wrote

Could be both, Korsakoff's is an alcohol-related dementia and would fit some aspects of his personality:

"Those with Korsakoff syndrome may "confabulate," or make up, information they can't remember. They are not "lying" but may actually believe their invented explanations. Scientists don’t yet understand the mechanism by which Korsakoff syndrome may cause confabulation."