ConcreteSnake t1_ja168q7 wrote
Reply to comment by Anifanopinion in Mystery bag haul. Not great by tlxxxsracer
They probably chose so many basic switch options because they were cheap. They bought these switches specifically for the mystery switches and selling to us at $0.15 per switch is pretty cheap which means they got them even cheaper from the manufacturer. These were all probably old stock the manus had sitting around.
The reason the mystery packs were so good last time is because they were moving warehouses and needed to clear their own inventory.
ConcreteSnake t1_j8zd9y6 wrote
Reply to comment by showxdoat369 in Boba LT tick. Completely ruins the switch. by showxdoat369
Yeah mine were lubed and filmed, no issues. Perhaps it’s the newer batch? Where/when does it tick? Just pressing it down or when it tops out? I know JWK has had some leaf ticking issues, but never heard of it with Boba LT
ConcreteSnake t1_j8ydv6x wrote
I had some Boba LTs about a year ago and they did not have any ticking or additional noise. I’m sorry to hear you are having issues with them.
ConcreteSnake t1_j6yaod8 wrote
Reply to Freebird TKL. Waited almost a year and half for this. Color was off but decided to keep it and pair them up with gmk norse keycaps. by nexustree
That is definitely one of the greens of all time
ConcreteSnake t1_j6nxwvs wrote
Reply to comment by Tywnis in Nerdcables Scam, Angry Miao Astroturfing / Shilling by AutoModerator
My friend is also waiting on this set. He hasn’t heard anything recently. I know one of the delays was because they we’re switching from double shot to dye-sub which is pretty disappointing
ConcreteSnake t1_j6dxjvc wrote
Reply to comment by VAWLTGHOST in First group buy. Took almost 2 years by darth_kiko
I imagine preorders will start shipping once all GB orders ship (maybe a couple of weeks tops)
ConcreteSnake t1_j6dx5xx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in First group buy. Took almost 2 years by darth_kiko
It was 603 days between the time I paid and when the keycaps were delivered
ConcreteSnake t1_j5hgtt8 wrote
WoB is one of the best color combinations out there. Several more sets coming out this year with various sublegends and I will be collecting them all
ConcreteSnake t1_j145irn wrote
Reply to Ordered the SA Espresso (Alphas + Novelties) from Kono. Turns out the modifiers are a separate set for TKL that's 100 bucks extra for the 5 keys that I'm missing :( by Space_Floof
Some sets sell alphas and modifiers separately which does make sense but is also super annoying.
ConcreteSnake t1_iy4wzjv wrote
Reply to comment by LoganJFisher in Potentially interesting news for anyone who likes the Akko MOD 007 series by LoganJFisher
Even Gateron has adjust the mold for the top housing to negative north facing interference on non long pole switches
ConcreteSnake t1_iy4b1u4 wrote
Reply to comment by LoganJFisher in Potentially interesting news for anyone who likes the Akko MOD 007 series by LoganJFisher
Ah, yeah unfortunately the custom space is pushing all these companies to use south facing when it’s not really needed anymore and it’s objectively worse lighting. Best of luck on your hunt
ConcreteSnake t1_iy48hkx wrote
If you need a 007v2 S, send me a DM. It’s a good board, but I just have too many 😂
ConcreteSnake t1_iwwasys wrote
Reply to comment by nsfwthrowawaysmile in Having a tidy up by Maleficent_Guard_462
It is in our nature to collect things. There are people that collect guitars, cars, legos, card games, designer bags, and the list goes on. There is nothing wrong with spending money on the things you want to spend your money on.
ConcreteSnake t1_iwvla5c wrote
Reply to comment by SurealGod in Having a tidy up by Maleficent_Guard_462
It’s not a problem if it’s your hobby 😃
ConcreteSnake t1_iu6re5a wrote
Reply to comment by jkush463 in Big W by diplet-where-am-i
It was an April fools joke from Xbox or Corsair, pretty sure it’s just a render
ConcreteSnake t1_iu483sh wrote
Reply to Rama partnering with an NFT company?? by wolfenstein734
Man Rama has gone downhill after the “split”
ConcreteSnake t1_itye9le wrote
Reply to comment by QWERKey-UK in DiD yOu GeT eXtRaS by JanTheFrabjous
Not paranoid, don’t think there’s any conspiracy. The FOMO comment was more poking fun at “limited quantity”. You must be a blast at parties 😂
ConcreteSnake t1_itwkzsx wrote
Reply to comment by QWERKey-UK in DiD yOu GeT eXtRaS by JanTheFrabjous
Not sure why you got so triggered by my FOMO comment and stuck to it. I was just counter pointing that extras aren’t always “very limited and sell out fast” as you stated 🤷🏻♂️
ConcreteSnake t1_itvgzhw wrote
Reply to comment by QWERKey-UK in DiD yOu GeT eXtRaS by JanTheFrabjous
I am aware of what the term “in-stock” means and I didn’t say they should be labeled as “in-stock” (although technically if an item is available to buy in a non-keyboard store it is considered in-stock)
The point is that while technically the stock is “limited” I’d wager some of these vendors are ordering thousands of extras. The term “limited stock” in this particular case is used to encourage you to buy it before it “sells out” and is no longer available. Most of the GMK extras I’ve seen in the last year don’t sell out quickly.
ConcreteSnake t1_ituwuw9 wrote
Reply to comment by QWERKey-UK in DiD yOu GeT eXtRaS by JanTheFrabjous
I can’t even say they sell out quickly due to the quantity vendors are ordering. NovelKeys still has Space Cadet 2 which has been out for almost a year now and it even went on sale for $99 one weekend. “Limited stock” is a FOMO term they use to make you impulse buy
ConcreteSnake t1_itlje9w wrote
Reply to No? Just me? by keebnaut
Set to spin cycle
ConcreteSnake t1_je8wnws wrote
Reply to Make sure you check your recent GMK keycap purchases,,, by makermods
This is pretty crazy. I’ve had over 10 GMK sets and never had a problem. If this happens to you or you are OP immediately contact the vendor you purchased from, they should be able to rectify the issue.