
CopperMurphy t1_j6neb8f wrote

Elon being equally as smart is a debate, this guy bought twitter at the very top of the market and is now begging for investors to save his ass. Gates has been smart a lot longer than Elon and a lot longer track record of success. But regardless Elon's intelligence has nothing to do with whether or not Bill raked in the profits off of Teslas crash back to reality recently.

Some day those numbers will come out and I would wager to say I'm right


CopperMurphy t1_j6lhb79 wrote

Is that why South Korea fined them for not telling people about the massively reduced range when it's cold outside? My model X range dropped in half if it was raining and cold, and you know I actually had to drive a real commute. 10 hours to charge on more amperage than my entire HVAC system? How do you think that's good for the environment or supported by our wood pole electrical system from the 1950's?

Electric is useless unless you fix the range and charging. Hydrogen solves all that.


CopperMurphy t1_j6lgauy wrote

Except everyone that has to drive further than 5 miles prefers an ICE vehicle along with absolutely everyone that uses a vehicle for business. When electric cars out number ICE and the US actually has an electrical infrastructure to support that (nowhere close) you be sure to let me know.


CopperMurphy t1_j6lfuwi wrote

That's not true. Case and point the 2020 GT350R has done nothing but go up in value as well as the new Hummer. Lots of other collectible cars go up and up. Tesla growing is based on what they say, you can do that when there are no independent dealers you can postpone or speed up your deliveries. People are broke and without the constant government incentives they wouldn't sell near as much.

It's funny how many crackhead fanboys came out of the woodwork as soon as they got one green bump after getting absolutely anally gapped down to $100 share. Elon made a horrible decision buying Twitter and if it doesn't stay above $100 a share he is in trouble.


CopperMurphy t1_j6lecda wrote

I have no puts, and I don't have a F-150 but if I did have a F-150 lightning I'd be flipping it on BAT for a $20k profit because at least ford and several other manufacturers released an electric truck unlike Tesla will until 2024 minimum lol. God help them if they get hit by a hail storm you won't be PDR'ing the cyber truck and you can't buy parts for a Tesla unless you pay the dealer the service center ransom.


CopperMurphy t1_j6lbb5b wrote

Elon fanboy spotted. Another dude that would blow him for more shares instead of looking at reality. How is the used Tesla value holding up these days once they hit 5 years old lol? The model X I had dropped like a fucking rock with a lead weight glued to it.


CopperMurphy t1_j6l9orm wrote

The profits were from selling their regular fleet at the highest part of the used car market not renting cars that take 10 hours to charge with basically zero infrastructure to do so in their airport facilities and like 1/30th the presence outside the airport compared to their competitor. They have about 300k cars their biggest competitor has about 1.25 million cars and close to zero of those are Teslas lol.


CopperMurphy t1_j6l61sf wrote

Yeah the difference is Mercedes has been winning F1 races for a long long time. Tesla sells cars to people that lick avocado flavored door knobs. The majority of the public don't want electric cars.
