
CorMcGor t1_j5hukrm wrote

This is what always fascinates me about restaurants and impressions. I'm not a fan of Banner's lol. I'm not saying you're wrong - I mean why would I tell a redditor their preferences are wrong? Haha.

I think part of what I enjoy about Bea's is that it's not touristy like all the spots up in NoCo. (Not saying that's Banner's)


CorMcGor t1_iyb5oiq wrote

Others have answered, so I'll add my "fun NH gov fact".

Since 1900 NH has voted out the incumbent governor only three times. That's 66 elections. Sometimes the incumbent declines to run again, but when the incumbent runs for reelection, they nearly always win.


CorMcGor t1_iw5bfbh wrote

Christopher's 100%. It's one of the things I miss about Nashua. Nashua had some really good food joints. Especially the pizza game. Espresso's, Soprano's, Christopher's, Nashua House, Kinsley Street, Bob's. Plus every major chain that operates in New England.