
t1_jabehdv wrote

Mhm agreed.. Russia seems to be collecting every fake thing under the sun.

Fake "special forces" who in reality couldn't outperform girl scouts? Check! Fake supertanks? Check! Fake 5th gen fighter jet? Check! Fake referendums? Fake body armor? Fake helmets? Check, check, and check!

So might as well add fake martial artist and actor to the list.


t1_jabagu1 wrote

LMAO it's like Steven Seagal is on a quest to suck at more things than humanly possible..

He's an obese fake martial artist pretender who makes some of the shittiest movies ever to insult the small screen.. He was literally married to 2 women at one point while lying to both, and now he's a pathetic mascot for one of the most terrible human beings on earth.


t1_j6dzwt4 wrote

I think the US already said something about sending F15 eagles or F16s and if and when they do that it'll greatly embolden European countries including Germany to do the same. Although it needs to be a calculated move so they will first need to train Ukraine on carrying out the logistics required to keep these jets fueled, armed and maintained after each sortie.


t1_j6durp1 wrote

I suspect it would be more than just a distraction for him seeing how he needs all hands on deck in Ukraine, but even just a distraction would be disastrous for Putin. The only reason he might want Belarus fighting with him is to keep some Ukrainian forces tied up and away from the main theater in donbas.. I mean even Putin isn't stupid enough to think Belarus could hope to occupy Kyiv.

So if it backfires, and he ends up being the one needing to divert troops to quell a popular uprising in Belarus he would've found yet another way to screw himself.


t1_j56ddod wrote

I mean the USSR was easily on par with the US early on in the space race, then a combination of a much inferior economy and corruption took its toll.

As for their military tech, it wasn't necessarily on par with the US all the time, but they had a very decent defense industry. Meanwhile all Russia can do is design super weapons like the T14 and then execution flops so bad im they become memes among military and defense bloggers.

To say nothing of the much much smaller sphere of influence Russia has today compared to peak Soviet Union.


t1_j4ywsgv wrote

The current century? It wouldn't surprise me if the Russian federation collapses before 2030. I'm not saying it certainly will, but if that does happen it wouldn't surprise me.

Think about it, the Soviet Union was much more powerful than Russia, and they didn't fuck up nearly as much, and they still collapsed shortly after their occupation of Afghanistan failed miserably.

Russia doesn't even have the luxury of worrying about occupation, they couldn't even complete the invasion phase.

It's ironic.. Putin wanted to be remembered as a scary ironman and the glorious hero of Russia who restored it to a superpower.. instead he'll go down history as the dummass clown who took on a nation 10X smaller and miscalculated so bad he kickstarted the collapse of his own country.


t1_j4ydafx wrote

Man Putin nuked his country's economy big-time. Russia is toast.

People might not realize how dangerous this is for Russia in the long run, but it is catastrophic. Russia isn't really important for the global market outside their energy exports, and those exports were valuable mostly because they were in high demand by the European union, particularly Germany.

With EU no longer buying, supply now greatly exceeds demand for Russian energy, which is why China and India are able to buy at greatly reduced prices that barely leave any profit for Russia.. especially considering how pricier and more difficult delivering that energy to east Asia is compared to Western Europe.

The only other export Russia had many buyers for, their weapons, is also seeing significantly reduced demand because of the war. A combination of the shitty performance against NATO weapons, sanctions making ordering parts much more difficult, and Russia using up their stockpiles in Ukraine have this part pretty much nuked as well.

Russia is done for. It might not show in the short run, but a few years from now the Russian economy could resemble Ukraine's in 2013 or 2014.


OP t1_j1zsub1 wrote

You sound like another dumb internet idiot or a Russian troll.. there's not much difference tbh.

Putin started a war betting on one thing, that Ukraine won't t fight back, he then refused to call it a war and made it a crime to do so, and recently violated his own law on live TV.

He literally threatened an enemy he's at war with with retaliation if they keep fighting back against him.

If that's not stupid, I dunno what is.. maybe you are.

Also blaming someone with access to any news outlets they want of consuming propaganda while defending Russia is incredibly stupid, and the way you put it sounds like an 8th grader trying to imitate a highschool bully.