Crazy__Donkey t1_iycza8q wrote
Reply to [OC] Bangladesh vs Suriname by two_plus_two_is_zero
now, compare it to russia with the same population....
Crazy__Donkey t1_ix7d0cq wrote
- gender ration, not sex.
- counting the foreign workers is not correct. many of them have families abroad, and are there only to work, not to create a new family with a local woman.
- I'm pretty sure most countries have laws forbidding such relationships, but even if there are lucky men who started a family with a local women, they are just a blip in the data.
you should do this with only citizens, not all residents.
Crazy__Donkey t1_iyczrla wrote
Reply to comment by today_i_burned in [OC] Bangladesh vs Suriname by two_plus_two_is_zero
>Bangladesh was part of Pakistan.
is there a brit in the crowd who can explain this?