
CthulhuAlmighty t1_jczlc7v wrote

I like to have some sort of proof before taking a strangers word on a serious accusation like this.

You seem to think I’m defending this rep, I’m not. Hell, I didn’t even vote for him (and he was on my ballot). But before I break out pitchforks and torches (hyperbole, but making phone calls and visiting offices isn’t off the table), I like to hear/see it from a reputable source.

While I think he was being a douchebag, it doesn’t read from the article as bad as you initially made it sound. Although, you might be right, the video might make it worse.


CthulhuAlmighty t1_jczhwcf wrote

Thank you for posting something to it.

While he was throughly being a dick, he didn’t accuse her of being a pedophile as you stated in your post.


CthulhuAlmighty t1_is0fcm0 wrote

I work in Providence and take walks around the city regularly.

The homeless issue in Providence is minimal compared to the homeless issue in other cities. In the last few months I’ve been to New Orleans, Baltimore, and Washington DC. The homeless situation there is far worse than what we have in Providence.

Yes, it’s still an issue and people shouldn’t be homeless. It’s not an easy fix. But did you know that Rhode Island was the first state to pass a Homeless Bill of Rights?


As we improve conditions for the homeless in Rhode Island, we keep getting more homeless bussed here from other cities and states.
