
Cult_Of_Anubis t1_j6oyvi8 wrote

I think you’re confusing remake with remaster and vice versa. A Remake is a new game built from the up based on the original. A remaster is just a glorified port.

And “a little prettier” is a mild assessment. The game got a graphical overhaul using modern technology, it’s just not as dramatic as say RE2 remake since the original RE2 was a PS1 game from 1998 with fixed camera tank controls and pre-rendered backgrounds


Cult_Of_Anubis t1_j6obe6t wrote

Atmospheric horror will always trump over straight scares. That and Alien: Isolation leans a little too heavy on the “hide & seek” schtick with a stalker enemy. Don’t get me wrong, Isolation is amazing but I find games that restricts your ability to defend yourself to be more frustrating and stressful than terrifying.

Games that give me a hand gun but only half a magazine are FAR more scary because it gives a false sense of hope and security. There’s a reason why resource management is a fundamental trait in Survival-Horror