
CycleResponsible7328 t1_j21qil1 wrote

This KU urban fantasy book about a meth smoking wizard from the south that lived in a storage garage. If you’re going to write about that kind of addict you need to know how drugs and addiction work. It was painfully obvious the author knew nothing first hand, because he played it all for laughs and it just came off as punching down. If you’ve ever been around tweakers, you know there’s nothing funny about them, at all.


CycleResponsible7328 t1_j21f6wf wrote

Rand came to the USA as a refugee from Russia, where her father’s business was seized by the communists and she watched it all as a little girl. It is little wonder she had such a fixation on paternalistic men and worshipped capitalism.


CycleResponsible7328 t1_j1q07q1 wrote

I’m in my 40s. I read more nonfiction than fiction. I read fiction almost exclusively until around 2012, including lots of classics and modern literary fiction.

I think written fiction today has limited ability to enlighten; it’s all target-written for one market or another (either a genre market or if litfic, for MFA students and professors) and is as fragmented and insular as the rest of our society. I already know the third world sucks and that there’s some way people can survive poverty and terrible ordeals without breaking and that people call it “the human spirit”.

When I want an entertaining novel I read something in a genre and don’t take it too seriously.