
DMG103113 t1_jcfltqx wrote

  • Snow, though the streets are clear now. Spencer apparently got way more than we did. The snow was non-stop heavy the other day. Yesterday was gorgeously blue and windy af.
  • Had the Saint Patty's Day parade on Sunday. I wasn't able to go but heard it was great. It was a beautiful day for it.
  • Water levels are real good, WAAAY better then 9 months ago. Around when you left, Elm Park's ponds were basically all dried up. Cascade Falls looks beautiful especially with the frozen parts around the flow.
  • Also just when you left they opened up a new section to the Columbus Park area of Coes Res. They built a beautiful wooden boardwalk going from the end of Circuit Ave down to Stearns complete with benches and trash barrels.
  • There was a collapse of an apartment building roof on Mill Street. From what I remember the current owner was setting up to do improvements when the weight of the new material being staged on the roof made it collapse. He was a fairly recent owner so I know there was some back and forth with that and getting people housing.

That's about all I can tell you. I'm not connected to the music or night life scene. Where'd you go? You gone for long?


DMG103113 t1_j4llzqm wrote

If you’re into waterfowl check out the new wooden boardwalk at Coes Reservoir. There’s one section of deck (towards the tiny parking lot at the end of Circuit Ave North) that was designed specifically for bird photographers.there’s a set of angled slats designed as a more artistic bird blind, so said the construction worker). (it’s that bit on the right of this photo). I’ve also seen the occasional eagle that roosts around there.


DMG103113 t1_iyd1n7f wrote

I had a stop-over from Worcester (ORH) to JFK and it took like 30 minutes in the air. Getting through security (at ORH) was a breeze, too. No traffic to get in there. If I had to go to NYC that’s how I’d do it. It wouldn’t be financially viable as a daily commute kind of thing, I wouldn’t think. Definitely a great way to get there quick.


DMG103113 t1_iu0c25z wrote

The City came in and condemned our apartment. We weren’t the only people that kind of thing has happened to. If you’re interested you can look up “NorthEast Properties MassLive”. MassLive is a news outlet.

It might take a little warm up time but most people are welcoming. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it out here. The amount of trees we have is staggering, especially if you compare it to Southern California. I’m not sure how Mexico is but I imagine it’s similar to Cali.

Keep us updated if you find some good Mexican. My wife is always on the lookout.


DMG103113 t1_iu0b17k wrote

That ‘nice’ vs ‘kind’ bit is the perfect description. I was born and raised in Waltham, lived there and Lowell till I was 30 and then moved to Cali for 10 years. Moved back here in 2020. Truth be told, the sense of community here is VASTLY superior to anything I experienced in Southern California.

People do wave (or nod) to each other. We acknowledge one another’s existence. People will pull over and give you the right of way when the street isn’t wide enough for two cars. We wave (not obnoxiously, just pop a hand up from the steering wheel) at each other in acknowledgment. That just doesn’t happen in SoCal.

I’ve had several conversations in the grocery store line. Nothing immense but someone might see something I’m buying and make a comment, with a smile. That doesn’t happen in SoCal.

I just had a buddy of mine come out from Cali. He was dumbstruck because we will give people the right-of-way, when driving (sometimes people do it unsafely or when it’s not appropriate) but I explained it’s like us holding the door open for someone.

True, we’re not in each others faces. We will absolutely respect people’s privacy but overall we treat each other with respect and acknowledge one another’s existence. There are definitely people that are on the other end of the spectrum but overall we have a strong sense of community.

When I first moved back people asked me why. It wasn’t till I moved away that I truly realized how amazing it is out here. That’s not to say SoCal is the dumps, it’s not. There are a lot of great things there but here is someplace special. The sense of community is outstanding and the nature is phenomenal (winters can suck but I wouldn’t trade them again). Maybe my love for New England blinds me to some things but god damn if this isn’t an awesome place.


DMG103113 t1_itxzjip wrote

Not sure about what places to go with but DO NOT go to a NorthEast Properties location. They sing a good song but have a terrible history of tenant and employee abuse.

As for Mexican…New England isn’t known for it. I’m originally from here and hardly ever had any until I moved to Nuevo, CA and had the opportunity to have truly authentic Mexican food. The closest thing we’ve had to that (out here) is Mexicali Cantina Grill, in Spencer. It’s not going to stack up to what you’re used to but my wife (a native Californian) chooses to go there when she wants some Mexican.

Welcome to a wonderful place. Enjoy the trees, hunker down for the winter, and get ready to wave to strangers because everyone is now your friend (people here will start talking to you in line - it’s a sense of community, not that they want anything from you - I love it and desperately missed it). That was something my wife had to get used to but now she appreciates.

Happy hunting!