Lawn signs if anything are probably more like subliminal messaging. Some people dont care whatsoever when it comes to politics. So when they find themselves in a situation where someone starts talking politics, obviously you dont wanna appear uneducated or just have no clue. You can think back to the lawn signs u drove by and spit out a name or whatever you saw on the signs and appear to have somewhat of an idea whats going on.
Danklettuce2 t1_itw66yw wrote
Reply to When you think about it... by smokinLobstah
Lawn signs if anything are probably more like subliminal messaging. Some people dont care whatsoever when it comes to politics. So when they find themselves in a situation where someone starts talking politics, obviously you dont wanna appear uneducated or just have no clue. You can think back to the lawn signs u drove by and spit out a name or whatever you saw on the signs and appear to have somewhat of an idea whats going on.