
smokinLobstah t1_jd7gr0y wrote

My experience is that the at-home kits show false NEG results. This has happened with a few folks I know. When they went to their Dr, they tested POS. One had tested NEG twice daily at home for 4 days.

Many people I know don't even bother testing anymore. If they get sick, they believe it's either Covid, Flu, RSV, or a bad cold, and there's not much to be done about any of them, unless they develop severe symptoms.


smokinLobstah t1_jd758md wrote

I think it's pretty difficcult to track any of these trends at this point.

The issue becomes very complex when you consider:

  1. Covid, Flu, and RSV are all circulating
  2. There's a significant overlap of symptoms
  3. Testing is far less accurate than it needs to be to actually determine statistics

I do know that a much larger percentage of people I know are either currrently sick or have recently been sick. Yes, I know that's a very subjective statement, but think about the people you know and how many of them have been sick in the past 2 mos.

Everyone I mention it to agrees when they think about it, and those that are sick have no idea what they were sick WITH...they just know that they're sick.


smokinLobstah t1_iy3dhre wrote

Walmart :)

Walmart usually has yellow onions for $.98/lb, Shaw's and Hanny's?...$1.49/lb

Hanny's artichokes?...$4.99/lb for smallish dried up chokes, Wally's $2.49/lb and 3 X the size.

Briskett?...Hannys regular price, not corned, $10.99lb, Wally's $3.99/lb


Between Shaw's and Hanny's in my area it seems to be a tie, dependent totally on the week and what you're looking for.


smokinLobstah t1_iujjip1 wrote

I'm just outside of Bucksport...tons of deer here. Guy bagged a 10pt up in the blueberry fields just off Rt 1 in East Orland on Sat. Herd came through my place at 3am the other day...grabbed what was left of my carrots on the way by.

They are literally everywhere. BUT...the further east and north you go, the cheaper acreage will be, generally.


smokinLobstah t1_iucwi0p wrote

Money/influence has dominated politics since the days of the Roman Senate...

Politics IS money and influence, and no bill/law/executive order will ever change that.

Just sayin