
Darcola123 t1_jdhf1u8 wrote

Reply to comment by West_Ad_8279 in Who do I call here? by [deleted]

Mills vs LePage wasn't about democrats or Republicans.

It was someone who is an all around let down vs someone who is a complete idiot and a raging asshole who continuously cut essential programs.

LePage also took money from donors and gave special attention to them.

We went with the letdown and anyone who voted only because of the R or the D next to their name probably never learned to breathe through their nose.


Darcola123 t1_j6k5u8h wrote

Faster drink service, feeling cool, etc.

It's a bit of a dick move, and takes away from more than just other customers. I'm the house musician for two local breweries and contract to three others in my area, and between sets it's best to be able to place an order really quickly. Large groups ordering 6 or 7 drinks at a time make that impossible and it's pretty inconsiderate to the bar tender.

That's my personal, rather selfish, issue with it but all around I'm not a fan.


Darcola123 t1_j6hpr9y wrote

Big difference between having some rust and having a fist size hole on the bottom of your car. Rust can be fixed, a gaping hole is more problematic.

Was "rot box" your nickname in college? 🤣


Darcola123 t1_j6fotm9 wrote

VIP put a hole in the bottom of my car and tried telling me it was rusted out when it got there. Dumbass left the sledgehammer leaning against the lift and everything.


Darcola123 t1_j6f51sf wrote

Hello! Go to UMO for CS, engineering, most humanities, STEM, etc. Go to the satellite campuses for niche things for that school. UMF is known for their education program, you'll get a better education at UMO for CS.


Darcola123 t1_j6d7imh wrote

Employer insurance is the cheapest but you're unfortunately stuck with whatever they've deemed appropriate, and it doesn't usually cover things like mental health. You also have to make sure everything you do is in network or thr price gets crazy high.


Darcola123 t1_j3efnca wrote

I have two degrees (BA & MA) from UMaine and they've done absolutely nothing for me so far, but they're econ based and there isn't much of a market around here, even as an economist at UMaine.

I talked to some of the department people at the flagship school in Orono and was told a PhD might get me considered, but probably not a PhD from a Maine school.


Darcola123 t1_j18crp8 wrote

A warm coat, flannels, tools for repairs, a field guide to local plants/wildlife, fishing gear, hunting gear, wood for heat, sporting goods gift card, or anything of that nature.

Depending on the cabin (does it have heat, electricity, or other basics or is it more like a house with cable, internet, modern amenities?) you could get him a space heater, blankets, cookware, etc.