
DarthDannyBoy t1_j4ejdmp wrote

This is very common amongst the art/artifact/etc trade. It's because they aren't white and are looked down upon. It's everywhere. It's disgusting and a large majority of museums and similar institutes are guilty of it and and they act like pretentious assholes about it.

Look at the British and the Smithsonian. Some of the worth for it.


DarthDannyBoy t1_j45e3sh wrote

I put in Anchorage Alaska and other than cheeseburger etc that every US city has listed for them. they offered muktuk, Akutaq, and jellied moose nose. Ok yes those exist here however they are not something most people have eaten or will ever eat outside of villages/natives.

They are....unique foods. You will actually be hard pressed to find any to get. No one just sells that stuff. Especially muktuk, anything deal with whale meat and the like is pretty restricted. So unless you go up to some of the coastal bush villages and make friends you won't ever see it.

The only thing Alaska really has going for it that's "Alaskan" someone can just go but is smoked salmon. Wild game like moose and reindeer is also restricted you can't sell it. You can some farm raised reindeer though, but farm raised in not the same in the slightest.


DarthDannyBoy t1_iwzohxy wrote

Yeah use Wikipedia as a secondary source that's it's whole purpose that's the purpose of an encyclopedia to begin with? Your own fucking government acknowledges they still exist and were not eradicated. Or do you think they are just making shit up. Universities acknowledge them still existing and try to help preserve their culture. Guess that's a made up. Let's just ignore the communities and councils made up off surviving people. Guess they are full of shit too.

I guess it's all just some big old conspiracy isn't it?

Also they are from mainland Tasmania. people from the mainland survived by fleeing and hiding. The aren't people just from the smaller outlying islands they are the aboriginal people from mainland Tasmania. They still exists.

Also I never said it wasn't a genocide. In fact I said it was genocide so I don't get why you felt the need to say that. I said how claiming they are are dead makes it far worse be you are just pretending the victims don't exist anymore. The people still suffering the repercussions of those actions are being ignored and told they aren't real because people like you said they are extinct. So not just ignoring the plight of these people but you are also claiming they are liars because how could both statements be true? That they were all wiped out but here some still stand.

Willfully ignorant people like you are a Cancer to society.


DarthDannyBoy t1_iwv4igd wrote

No they all were not wiped out. Seriously it's in the first paragraph of the Wikipedia page on them how people erroneously believe that. The Australian government recognize they still exist. They still exist their numbers are very very low. That doesn't take away from the atrocities committed against them. In fact it in a way makes it worse because there are still people living today feeling the repercussions of those actions and to make it worse people don't even think they exist anymore. Imagine being a part of an abused and marginalized group and then being told you don't exist anymore.


DarthDannyBoy t1_iw41iag wrote

Reply to comment by RobertOfHill in Secret Menu (oc) by tastycrust

How does it make them a fraud? It's no different than a photographer editing a photo or aomeone making a "digital" painting. It's just a different tool. Or are you too young to remember when using a computer to make art was considered cheating and not real art, same went for digitally editing photos.
