
DefibrillatorKink t1_j9in2qg wrote

It's not bizarre, it's genuinely tiring. Just constant misinformation being spread by a cult of people who switch their outrage every month. There is no consistency, just groupthink. It's a pure misinformation campaign designed to "redpill" the idiots who believe this stuff. I went through this phase when I was 15 lmfao, a lot of these weirdos are MIDDLE AGE.


DefibrillatorKink OP t1_iytffgp wrote

The second I was allowed to practice driving I did it, Maryland is horrible for walkability and pedestrian friendly areas. I luckily had good bus stops for school where I lived, but I knew kids who would have to walk half a mile down sidewalk less roads. I'm also not surprised that they are building another school cause I remember atholton being super crowded and annoying. I don't believe they really care tbh.


DefibrillatorKink OP t1_iyrq1vx wrote

Congestion hasn't really been too much of a problem for me on the new road. I do deliveries in Columbia sometimes during rush hour and only had problems at one light. IMO the two lane design makes me feel cramped when other cars pass by. Cedar Lane has this problem too. Some people still speed, but I've noticed that there is much less of that.