DemythologizedDie t1_iu6grb2 wrote
Reply to To my Romance readers: Is explicit s.a. to be expected at this point or am I just incredibly unlucky? by enJ0eable
When I shop for romance, I specifically look for romances in which someone is going to try to kill someone else. When the hero and heroine fall in love while investigating a crime, or the hero or heroine has someone trying to kill them sexual assault just doesn't happen because they already have plenty of the other kind of drama.
DemythologizedDie t1_ixspvpd wrote
Reply to comment by kaysn in Holmes or Poirot? by confrita
Doyle was far better at writing short story length mysteries than novels. When he wrote them, he'd pad out their length with long stretches in which, absent the detective, no progress would happen but much melodrama did. Agatha Christie had the skills of a true detective novelist.