
Designer_Curve t1_j2c1vpz wrote

funny story, I wore scrubs as work clothes on a production line bc they were easy and cheap. Had them in the back of my closet forever, one laundry day, they were all I had, so I wore them to the corner deli to get lunch… the deli nxt to a hospital.

Two people stepped aside for me so I could order bc they assumed I was a doctor on break… I donated them after that incident. But if you don’t have shame and want to cut in line, easy life hack! (Seriously, don’t do that tho)


Designer_Curve t1_j07z9yz wrote

You’ve clearly never feared for you life at the hands of strangers with guns and been violently abused in that scenario before if you think any one would ever put a price on that trauma.

Police officers make 6 figures in NYC.

Edit: (original post incorrectly stated starting pay)

They start at 42 and that doubles after 5 years with additional benefits for prior military service.

The problem is not pay, it is a good career option for not needing a 4 year degree. It is qualification, training, and standard. Why can’t we train police officers to also be social workers? The public would support them making even more if they did that. It’s because there is a culture problem. It is ‘us vs them’ and incredibly dogmatic and heterogenous. Good cops leave because the bad cops are protected. Would you keep showing up to your job if it was an incredibly toxic environment with little to no training or support for you to do what you actually signed up to do? The good cops give up, and it has nothing to do with pay. Abolishing and starting from scratch would be the best solution in any scenario. But everyone knows if the cops got fired they would just become the mob in a more dangerous way than they are now. Whatever the solution is, it needs to be radical. This is not a, solve from within possible fix.


Designer_Curve t1_iy6g26p wrote

There are actually dozens of videos if not hundreds online of nypd officers savagely attacking civilians with their badges covered during BLM. And then of course there was the infamous occupy wallstreet takedown where white shirt off duty officers being paid overtime were pictured punching peaceful protesters in the face.

NYPD = tax payer funded gang
