DevelopmentAny543 t1_iufax13 wrote
Reply to Brazil’s highway police carry out massive voter suppression in Northeast region by New-Program7948
Ah showing republicans how to win
DevelopmentAny543 t1_iu7ki8n wrote
Reply to Royal Navy ship torches smugglers' boat carrying £24m of cocaine in Caribbean | UK News by BigfootDynamite
So what do we do with the cocaine?
DevelopmentAny543 t1_itf51sq wrote
Reply to Meta threatens to block news content in Canada over media revenue-sharing legislation by BollocksAsBalls
Go f yourself Meta.
DevelopmentAny543 t1_iswojpl wrote
The walls are paper thin
DevelopmentAny543 t1_iuh3b3z wrote
Reply to comment by notsocoolnow in Richard Branson declines invitation to debate death penalty with Shanmugam, says TV format 'turns serious debate into spectacle' by chronoistriggered
Most logical thing I’ve ever read from a fellow Singaporean. Good on you. Most NUS grads I’ve met have the critical thinking ability of a merlion