
DiabolicallyRandom t1_j7v6h2v wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in WA DNR pulls no punches by BenjiMalone

> But we could do better. That starts with actually taking care of the people who are expected to do the dirty, dangerous work. I loved my fire position, but the pay just wasn't worth the risk, so I took a non fire position.

To be clear, in case it wasn't, we are in agreement here.

Additionally, I was definitely trying to open a dialogue rather than shut you down.

>So yeah, it rubs me the wrong way when people say things like "Pay the meme makers more!" but aren't also saying, "Do more to retain your fire staff before the whole system topples!"

I can definitely understand this frustration. That said, when people say things like "the Wendy's social media manager needs a pay raise", I think most are just saying it in jest, to exemplify how much they enjoyed something. It's certainly how I would typically engage with those sorts of statements.

It's important to remember everyone has a limit to their cognitive load - caring and being upset about everything wrong is a burden too much for any one person to carry. While many would agree with and support your feelings around DNR for example, they have 5 million other things on their mind, and so realistically, most people aren't going to dedicate a portion of their limited bucket to care about that issue constantly, even if they agree with and support you when its specifically brought up.

If I ever see some way I can directly impact this via my ballot, I will definitely remember this conversation, so its good of you to bring it up. Just something to consider is, it can sometimes be helpful for people with less patience to try and focus on the message you care about. Your original post, sans the dig at the social media managers pay, would have shared your feelings just as well without having a seeming veneer of "going at" those other people, even if it wasn't your intent.

Easier said then done when passionate - trust me I get it. Just something that might help make your message be one that sticks better with people when it comes up in conversation. People will always remember more how you made them feel than what you said. And if people feel personally attacked or slighted, they are less likely to remember your actual message.

Thanks for your efforts.


DiabolicallyRandom t1_j7uxwhx wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in WA DNR pulls no punches by BenjiMalone

This was my understanding, which is part of what prompted my response. A lot of unreasonable ire directed at someone who doesn't deserve it and cannot defend themselves.

There's justification for the parent posters feelings, but it needs to be directed at a target that is actually meaningful and deserving.


DiabolicallyRandom t1_j7utw2r wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in WA DNR pulls no punches by BenjiMalone

>They get paid incredibly well.

Source? Just honest question, since you seem to know. Are we certain this person is dedicated to only social media? Or is it perhaps someone tasked with communication in general of which twitter is simply a part of?

>someone who sits at a desk

I really hope this is some gripe you have specific to this subject and not everyone who "sits at a desk". Just because someone isn't working in the field doesn't mean their work isn't incredibly important and valuable. The person who ensures people get paid sits at a desk for instance.

Generally speaking...

I think most would agree that there are TONS of jobs that are currently underpaid, especially in the public sector here in Washington, doubly so for those who risk their personal health for the greater good via fighting fires and the like.

A large part of that is due to unstable sources of funding. As long as we continue to have a regressive sales tax system and as long as our state government relies upon same, we are going to continue to have underpaid jobs in the public sector.

As an example, I am a software developer, and looked into a state job, and I would be making 40% less than I make in private industry. So even white collar desk workers that you seem to consider overpaid are making less than they can elsewhere.


DiabolicallyRandom t1_j25f4yx wrote

Yes. And in cases of uncertainty, it is best to assume that there is asbestos. And in cases of asbestos, it is better to leave in place if the condition is good.

this is why I sealed over top of my asbestos popcorn with several layers of oil primer, and painted once cured. It was in good non-crumbling condition.