
DirtyBottomsPottery t1_j9pzpic wrote

I think the future of youtube should be to focus on attracting and retaining high quality content creators. Part of what makes quality content is a combination of quality video creation, practical application of knowledge, having novel ideas that pop up via praxis, and understanding what demographic that the content creator is appealing to. Giving content creators access to demographic data and the ability to understand big data via visualization tools would be a huge advantage for those who understand the value of mathematics. I honestly don't know who is looking at my content. Because I don't know that, I don't know for whom I should tailor my content. Being less universally appealing, more specific would reduce the number of hats I'm trying to wear. At present I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of hats. It's a bit overwhelming. I have limited resources, and can't please everyone.

One of the groups I've gotten tired of are content creators who drive people away from youtube towards their own websites so that the content creators can drive their own sales. The whole point of youtube is to provide quality content, not low quality, clickbait frustration. My life is short, don't waste it with bait and switch.

To me NFTs are neither here nor there. If they prove viable, cool, but I doubt they will. It honestly sounds like a con artist's scheme. If it does work out, there will be a gold rush, and people will digitally squat on as much as their greedly little digital fingers can muster. Preventing digital bullies and squatters would be key to engaging creatives. Making sure the knowledge and ability to create such content would need to get into as many hands as possible. Inclusivity would be key. Exclusivity and elitism are toxic to people who want to have fun. The more fun people have doing this, the more likely it is to succeed.

I don't know why, but I feel like a weight has been lifted with the departure of the last CEO. Youtube as a whole feels less oppressive.

I like the ability to be able to select broad categories at the top of the feed. Please for the love of all that is holy I want youtube to remove the "already viewed" option. I want new content included in my feed, not just as an option to occasionally select. If the algorithm needs me to make more original searches in order for me to have higher quality or new content, just say so. I think part of the problem in my feed is the fact I stop searching for content and rely on it being given to me by the algorithm. Without new data the algorithm seems to struggle to find suitable novel content.

Maybe youtube could focus less on content creators who are trying to generate as many clicks and subs as possible and focus more on cultivating new content. I.E. less populist driven, more nerd driven. I would like to see more nerds and weirdos who love what they do being promoted. Their love and passion is infectious and spiritually uplifting.

I want youtube to work on fixing problems in the new content option. It's constantly trying to show me news programs especially in languages that I don't speak or read. I don't want news in my feed, ever. The media is designed for anxiety and depression clicks. I don't want that awful crap in my life. I don't want to know about the latest shooting spree. I don't care about cake and circus like the superbowl. I want them to stop trying to get me to click on stuff that doesn't apply to me. Youtube is supposed to be a magician of data yet it constantly wastes visual space on annoying and off-putting content that I obviously am not interested in.

I don't know how youtube monetizes anything, and frankly I have no faith in monetization. If there was more transparency I would probably have more faith and actually try. I wish to be financially independent. I have no data or advice on how to do that as a content creator. No one talks about this, because everyone feels like they're competing with everyone else. <sarcasm>Heaven forbid we all have the same access to knowledge of how to succeed in a digital arena.</sarcasm> The only advice I've seen is to create my own gimmick and creating useless objects. That one's already taken, so yeah... If I'm not financially stable, I can't focus on content creation. I can't create if I'm homeless. If I work a 40 hour job, I'm usually too tired to create. I'm not greedy. As long as I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach I will be happy. Maybe youtube should get serious about developing content creators and helping them to be financially viable and less of a "we only promote rich kids who we can make tons of money off of and are so privileged they didn't need our help in the first place."


DirtyBottomsPottery t1_j6i37g7 wrote

Life can sustain itself if there is an energy gradient to be taken advantage of. This includes the possibility of life lasting close to the end of the universe. The point at which it takes more energy to gather resources than you get back is the slow-death line-of-no-return.

Organic life may just be a stepping stone towards metallic/silicon life. In that form life may extend greatly beyond what is possible for organics. Maybe instead of uploading one's mind to another organic body, thereby destroying the host's mind, humanity might transition to a purely robotic existence. I would be fine with that, because our bodies are so easily broken. It would also allow us to go explore the universe without the need to bring the Earth conditions along with us. The most cumbersome, and annoying aspects of a spaceship is usually biological life support. If you had a spaceship of nothing but a propellant system, a guidance system, and the means by which to charge your robotic chassi, that would be a far easier system to maintain in the void of space.