
DoctorDream614 t1_j8wqlu8 wrote

We could be in a simulation. Ur inner gut feelings that have steered u away from making a different course of action and if u had stuck with ur plan u wos have been dead. Couldn't ur self intuition or ur instincts could be considered actions programed in to u or u are being controlled by a different higher being that created this simulation and the voice and feeling of danger ahead let me take a different path could be our minds and actions being controlled or influenced by some program that's running off a specific specialized state of events and actions that have been programed or is it that we are a random beta version laid out definitive guide to be followed is being used and it's all just luck or again we are being controlled by someone else outside our matrix


DoctorDream614 t1_j8myfv1 wrote

Sorry I was drunk last night what I meant was were the only animals / mammals species on Earth that create war over simple s*** as a political dispute or in the name of God when while you only see an animal nature do some type of s*** like that to defend themselves and then what I meant what I said at the end of my rant was that we could all be computers just communicating with each other like A. I. self learning ones Elon musk I think it was created they started thinking for themselves without no one's help or influence and created their own language what if we're in a game of inception it just keeps getting deeper and deeper the writer and creator of The Terminator and The matrix said The Terminator was a prequel to what's to come. weather you believe in the 1 percenters or not they usually publicly announce their intentions and plans of world changing events before they even take place pay attention to what they don't want you to pay attention to read what they tell you not to read learn how to think not what to think just because Google says it's true don't mean s*** Google is owned by corporations the corporations control the truth that you see same as any news station any real news that there is to be reported is overshadowed by all the stuff and b******* that separates us and divides us as a people and then we're showing how scared we should be of our surrounding world. They're training us now to turn on each other at point in time when it would be crucial for the powers that be in their agenda that if we didn't they don't want us to unite


DoctorDream614 t1_j8kwrrv wrote

I've also heard a version of everybody has a different perspective and view like I can't see life in this room from your point of view you can't see it from my point of view and all the pain and suffering and enjoying happiness that we go through only we can experience in that way and God is living through us. time will not seeks to exist until God knows every feeling and every situation that there can be


DoctorDream614 t1_j8kr4sq wrote

But what if all the choices we have arn't either right or wrong they just exist to be used if someone decides too that route. It's like the question of is evil real and is good and kindness real we say certain things are evil but that's just something the majority of pp have come to except as evil there is neither good nor bad theirs just our perception of actions that tells us what's good and bad. Killers think nothing is wrong with their actions and how can that be if evil does exis cuz evil would have self knowledge of it being the wrong thing to do but a lot of cereal killers see no wrong In their actions is it really kindness and good to feed ur dog everyday or is it just a agreed upon that he gives u satisfaction so u give him satisfaction back by feeding him


DoctorDream614 t1_j8k9jx9 wrote

Would there be a perception of life? Or existence of self perception if people didn't exist. because animals live in the world how it is in humans for some reason have to build it to their way of what they perceive as they're existence and reason for being? Are we just self important assholes who think we're here for something special but really we are no different in our perseption then the bird cuz he builds a nest for his next generation and we do to. But how does the bird differ from us cuz he stops when he's accomplished his needs but humans have a self important complex. And build for impression not preservation.