
Dolos2279 t1_j25rzhl wrote

The Biden admin is now requiring anyone traveling from China to have a negative COVID test so clearly it is still a concern of theirs that people from other counrries could be spreading it here. It is quite literally impossible to require that for people illegally crossing the border so Title 42 would be a great option for an administration supposedly concerned with the spread of COVID. Due to the tribal stupidity I mentioned in my initial comment, they have boxed themselves into not being able to implement any type of immigration restrictions so despite it being wise policy, and despite them being fully aware that it is wise policy, they have to be against Title 42.


Dolos2279 t1_itl7a5x wrote

>Getting a mortgage should easier (stop requiring insane credit scores)

>Making the downpayment should be easier

Didn't end so well last time these types of requirements were eliminated. Owning an apartment or house has far more costs associated than just the monthly payment and you need to be pretty financially stable to cover these costs. For example, I had to pay 15k out of pocket earlier this year for repairs on my apartment building as part of a loss assessment.


Dolos2279 t1_it8302y wrote

Well no actually. They're clearly lacking resources at the border so doing that would mean they should send even more to NYC.

>Note also that the people being used as pawns are people who are in the country legally.

I mean sure but endless masses of people showing up claiming asylum are obviously abusing asylum laws. I don't blame them but no matter your views on immigration we can't just absorb unlimited amounts of homeless people from around the world.


Dolos2279 t1_it7rkyo wrote

Lol for the love of God spare me this disingenuous gaslighting. What do you think happens when they're apprehended? They often aren't deported because everyone is told to claim asylum so they're let go until their hearing, which most don't show up to. There was a remain in Mexico policy that worked pretty well but was ended by the current admin. They have done nothing but briefly mention an unserious idea about a "path to citizenship" which literally does nothing to solve the problem of droves of homeless people showing up at the border.
