DoomGoober t1_je53bdl wrote
Reply to Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1992 is freaking weird by zak55
I remember watching the movie and thinking "great premise, shit execution. I wish they'd make it again with a more serious take."
Sometimes wishes do come true!
DoomGoober t1_jabjtzs wrote
Reply to comment by Caucasiafro in ELI5: If the tongue can only taste five basic flavors (sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami), why isn't it possible to create any flavor by mixing those five together in precise combinations? by bokbokboi
Add to this that the brain changes the "flavor" of food based on what it thinks the food is.
There have been experiments showing people report different flavors of food/drink based on the color of the bowl/cup the food is served in.
Obvious the color of the container doesn't actually change the food flavor but the brain takes it into account.
DoomGoober t1_ja5gb8q wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL of the Battle of San Jacinto. Just six weeks after the Texans terrible loss at The Alamo in 1836. The Texans regrouped under Sam Houston, and surprised the Mexican forces and overwhelming defeated the Mexicans. The Texans had 11 soldiers killed and the Mexicans lost 650. by triviafrenzy
Texians were Anglo-American residents of Mexican Texas and, later, the Republic of Texas. Today, the term is used to identify early settlers of Texas, especially those who supported the Texas Revolution. Mexican settlers of that era are referred to as Tejanos, and residents of modern Texas are known as Texans.
DoomGoober t1_ja21r1u wrote
Reply to TIL of the Battle of San Jacinto. Just six weeks after the Texans terrible loss at The Alamo in 1836. The Texans regrouped under Sam Houston, and surprised the Mexican forces and overwhelming defeated the Mexicans. The Texans had 11 soldiers killed and the Mexicans lost 650. by triviafrenzy
It's also worth knowing that Sam Houston ordered the Alamo abandoned as it was not worth defending and had little strategic value.
Texians didn't have enough pack animals to remove the cannon, so they left them there. Then a bunch of men decided to defy Houston's orders and defend the Alamo anyway.
The Mexicans outnumbered the Texians and defeated the Texians. The Mexican command decided to execute all of the Alamo defenders, even though most of the Mexicans preferred to take them captive.
Houston used the murder of the Alamo defenders as a rallying cry for support and he was able to raise a larger army, leading to the eventual defeat of the Mexicans.
So, while the Alamo was meant to be abandoned, it ended up playing an outsized role in the war.
DoomGoober t1_j7oh23l wrote
Reply to Why aren't anabolic steroids/HGH prescribed for patients recovering from wounds/grafts? Wouldn't the steroids speed up recovery time? by TPMJB
Using rats, there is evidence that anabolic steroids can help speed muscle injury healing:
However anabolic steroids had little effect on healing pressure ulcers (bed sores):
DoomGoober t1_j6jbx8y wrote
Reply to comment by BaidenFallwind in eli5 what is the point of therapy? by dumbass__stupid
>Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
ACT seems to share a lot of traits with mindful meditation practices. Very interesting. Thanks again.
DoomGoober t1_j6i4rgk wrote
Reply to comment by BaidenFallwind in eli5 what is the point of therapy? by dumbass__stupid
Thanks, I will definitely check those out! (My info was old. I am excited to read up on the newer approaches!)
DoomGoober t1_j6h5trt wrote
Reply to comment by printers_rock in eli5 what is the point of therapy? by dumbass__stupid
That's where a therapist can help guide you or you would have to assess the situation yourself.
If the negative thoughts themselves are what is causing you distress or making you unable to function in some way then the negative thoughts are causing the harm.
Like if you are afraid someone is trying to kill you every time you leave the house, but you know logically no one is, then CBT might be a good technique to help you.
But if someone is actually trying to kill you, law enforcement may be a better able to help you.
DoomGoober t1_j6h3rgw wrote
Reply to comment by fuck_korean_air in eli5 what is the point of therapy? by dumbass__stupid
I am not a therapist but a psychology minor. The popular therapy now is cognitive behavioral therapy. The idea is for patients to do exercises which help them change their own thinking, emotions, and behaviors.
A simple exercise would be to draw on a sheet of paper two columns: negative thoughts and replacement thoughts.
When you think something negative you want to stop thinking, write the negative thought on the left column and a replacement or better way to think about it in the right column.
Re-read your list often and when you find yourself having negative thoughts actively replace them with your replacement thoughts.
That's it. It's just repetitively reminding yourself of your negative thoughts so you recognize them then replacing them with better thoughts.
While our brains and thoughts and emotions are complex sometimes a simple exercise can reprogram them to focus on healthier thoughts.
DoomGoober t1_j6daay1 wrote
Reply to comment by MissDiem in Over 2 months ago, I put a video together about the appearance of Heather Donohue's voice from Blair Witch Project (who changed her name to Rei Hance in 2021) and how she was not credited or paid for her voice appearing in Academy Award Nominee, Tár. by HalpTheFan
>The broader context is it sounds like even after the huge and unexpected financial success of the film they didn't go back and reward the actors beyond their initial stipends.
This is common for small budget films that suddenly make it big. The actors sign a contract that grants them a lump sum instead of residuals. Sometimes the contract even gives them a choice: do you want more in your salary or do you want residuals? If the actors don't believe the film will make a lot of money, salary is the better choice.
I don't know the specifics of BWP contracts but industry wide that's pretty common.
DoomGoober t1_j6d9lce wrote
Reply to comment by ithinkther41am in Over 2 months ago, I put a video together about the appearance of Heather Donohue's voice from Blair Witch Project (who changed her name to Rei Hance in 2021) and how she was not credited or paid for her voice appearing in Academy Award Nominee, Tár. by HalpTheFan
The more I hear about the Razzies the less I like it.
DoomGoober t1_j5iktxk wrote
Reply to comment by Careful_Yannu in TIL that Titanic crewman Herbert Pitman made an attempt to row his lifeboat over to rescue people in the water, but was overruled by the other occupants of the boat, who were worried about people swarming them and duly complied. Pitman said that this haunted him throughout his life. by ChadExtra
I was watching a documentary: lowering lifeboats and releasing them was extremely dangerous and lifeboats have gone through multiple different designs of lowering systems and releases to increase safety for both the passengers and the crew operating them.
One release system was well known (and feared) by crew because it was famous for cutting fingers off if operated incorrectly.
DoomGoober t1_j4tvi3a wrote
Reply to comment by va_str in New apartment buildings in low-income areas lead to lower rents in nearby housing units. This runs contrary to popular claims that new market-rate housing causes an uptick in rents and leads to the displacement of low-income people. by smurfyjenkins
Here is a blurb from Shelter Force:
>Even worse, however, new construction actually fuels displacement in the short term, even when no already existing housing is knocked down. Why? Numerous studies show that market-rate housing development has price ripple effects on surrounding neighborhoods, driving up rents and increasing the burden on lower-income households. Many residents in communities transformed by gentrification can already attest to the connection between for-profit development, rising living costs, and the mass exodus of lower-income residents.
Note they explicitly call new market rate construction "gentrification" even with the disclaimer "no already existing housing is knocked down."
I don't know who or what Shelter Force is, but clearly this group (which I found with a simple Google search in like 2 seconds) does not only consider replacing low income housing as the only form of gentrification.
It considers simply adding market rate housing as a form of gentrification that causes rents to rise. (Which is disproven by the linked post, if it is to be believed.)
Edit: my Google search was: "adding market rate housing gentrification". And Shelter Force is:
>Shelterforce is the only independent, non-academic publication covering the worlds of community development, affordable housing, and neighborhood stabilization.
Uh... Not exactly a ringing endorsement for their bona fides but they have been around since 1975.
I have heard many housing advocates repeat the same idea that even adding market rate housing drives up prices for everyone. I just provided one specific example to prove I am not making it up.
DoomGoober t1_j4n61t4 wrote
Reply to comment by spitefulcum in New apartment buildings in low-income areas lead to lower rents in nearby housing units. This runs contrary to popular claims that new market-rate housing causes an uptick in rents and leads to the displacement of low-income people. by smurfyjenkins
There is a belief that adding new market rate rental units causes an area to "gentrify", essentially more restaurants and services move into the area, making an area more desirable, and driving up rents for everyone who lives nearby.
In fact, that belief is explicitly called out (and disproven) in the linked paper:
>If buildings improve nearby amenities, the effect is not large enough to increase rents.
So, this paper is reactionary to a subset of housing advocates who claim that market rate housing does not help lower/mid income folks and insist the only lower/mid income housing can help lower rents and oppose market rate housing.
DoomGoober t1_j4jyi02 wrote
My understanding was that each fascicle (muscle fiber bundle) has its own nerves and blood vessels.
Thus, the fascicle structure facilitates shared nerve control and energy/waste management of grouped muscle fiber cells.
Since the muscle fibers in each fascicle are trying to generate the same motion and generally all have the same function, it makes sense to bundle them together and link them all to the same nerves. And the same vessels (which facilitate the metabolic behavior of the muscle fibers.)
Edit: Sorry, I clearly wrote this badly. My writing implies that all the fibers fire at the same time with one set of nerves firing them all at once (I wish I could do that, as I could generate a lot more force when lifting weights! But then again, I might injure myself more easily.) Rather, while the muscle fibers share the same nerves bundles, I did not meant that they all fire at the same time or that the nerves don't branch off and act somewhat independently of each other even within the fascicle. Thanks for all of the corrections!
DoomGoober t1_j4a7h46 wrote
Reply to comment by craicbabyho in Jessica Alba, a boomerang gif.. because Happy Friday by J_LeVeL
Yes. Film is "Meet Bill".
DoomGoober t1_j2fe6yu wrote
Reply to comment by Da_zero_kid in Emily in Paris: appreciated the initial disclaimer on the French version by HouseSandwich
The short version is that Emily goes to Paris and makes a lot of mistakes ... But then magically manages to fix them all in unrealistic ways and come out on top.
It's massive plot armor.
What makes it worse is that she's an American in France who doesn't speak French. This gives the impression that Americans are these magical people who can always come out on top eveb without speaking the local language (and conversely that the French are useless and old fashioned and backwards and can't fix anything themselves.)
DoomGoober t1_j2dt2i1 wrote
Reply to comment by DisasterPeace7 in was django an abolitionist? or only in it for broomhilda? by [deleted]
Which makes it an excellent contrast piece to Inglorious Basterds. They are both historic revenge fantasies but one is deeply personal while the other is about a bunch of men on military suicide mission (but also personal for some of them.)
DoomGoober t1_j2cizrp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Was there a decrease in other infectious diseases other than Covid due to wearing masks during the past 2 years? by [deleted]
>The flu is much less contagious. It spreads only through droplets... Droplets also fall to the ground quicker than airborne particles
This is not confirmed. Flu is also known to spread via aersols:
However, flu does appear less contagious than SARS-CoV-2 but there are many possible reasons why (fewer days of infectiousness, flu is more susceptible to the body's defense, more viral load needed to induce infection, etc.)
Flu being spread mainly through "large droplets" and "large droplets" not being airborne, was the result of a medical community mistake where droplets above 5 microns were labeled as large and unlikely to remain airborne. The actual size is closer to 100 microns before a droplet readily falls out of the air. Thus many, many more droplets are actually airborne than first considered. Thus even if flu requires larger droplets it turns out those droplets can actually behavior as airborne.
Overall flu is less contagious but probably not because flu transmitting droplets are not airborne. They probably are.
DoomGoober t1_j23sdmh wrote
Reply to comment by Commercial-Army2431 in ELI5 why do electric vehicles have one big battery that's hard to replace once it's expired, rather than lots of smaller ones that could be swapped out based on need (to trade off range/power/weight)? by ginonofalg
As I understand it, car batteries are arranged in packs of serial or parallel configurations to intentionally harness the resistance of serial or parallel to achieve desired voltage.
Thus using multiple batteries (and the resistance introduced by serialization or parallelization) gives the designer some control over the voltage.
Whether this is a side effect of needing multiple batteries for other reasons or a specific desired feature, I don't know, but it reduces the need for resistors.
DoomGoober t1_j0bw9xv wrote
Reply to comment by DancingOnACounter in Did TV used to have more speaking roles for extras? by warrenseth
I was genuinely asking a question if you got residuals for ads, but based on your answer...
Sweet Jesus, SAG members get residuals for ads? Damn, that's awesome (I basically never did any ads under union.)
So then do SAG members get residuals if they are extras in non-advertisement work?
DoomGoober t1_j0amaql wrote
Reply to comment by DancingOnACounter in Did TV used to have more speaking roles for extras? by warrenseth
You prolly never got residuals from ads, right? That explains a lot of the difference.
DoomGoober t1_izr2nx6 wrote
Reply to Molecular markers of cells involved in the sixth sense — proprioception, the unconscious sense of body position and movement by marketrent
Odd that the article says propioception is unconscious. Other papers say there are both conscious and unconscious forms of proprioception:
>Proprioception is the sense of body position that is perceived both at the conscious and unconscious levels.
DoomGoober t1_iy77l9h wrote
Reply to comment by Sdog1981 in TIL that after the battle between the USS Constitution and HMS Guerriere, the captain of the Constitution, Isaac Hull, refused the sword of surrender from the captain of the Guerriere, James Richard Dacre, saying he could not accept it from a man who fought so gallantly by alcapwnage0007
56 gun versus 44 gun. Guerriere engaged in a nose punching fight and Constitution, unsurprisingly, won.
However, the fact that Constitution pretty much completely demasted Guerriere also may mean Constitution used chain shot and got lucky early.
But other than that... Not a smart fight on Guerriere's part.
DoomGoober t1_jeg9qlw wrote
Reply to My cosplay of Magneto (genderbend) by Nelysminho
My brain couldn't understand that she had a right foot.