
Emblazin t1_jefialx wrote

I highly recommend reaching out to University Dentists in Farmington. It is run by the Uconn School of Dentistry and one of their Dr's will develop a plan of action for you are won't hesitate to refer you to a specialist. My one piece of advise is SEE A SPECIALIST FOR ANY NON GENERAL WORK! Root canal? Endodontist. Gum disease? Periodontist. Wisdom teeth removal? Oral surgeon. Uconn has all of those specialists in house and take a ton of dental plans. Good luck you'll do great!


Emblazin t1_j68l87k wrote

The issue with RCV is solved with an even simpler and easier to use system, S.T.A.R. voting. Which stands for Score Then Automatic Runoff. It is approval voting on a 0-9 scale, 0 meaning no preference 1 least and 9 the most. You score your candidate but because the top two go into a run off if you do not differentiate your preferences your vote essentially cancels out. Unfortunately it's unlikely to see anyone talking about it because RCV is the popular solution as it was the first.